Food or diet cannot cure breast cancer. But there are some foods which can make your body healthier and boost your immune system to fight the risk of this type of cancer. But if we count only food to fight breast cancer then it will be an utter mistake. Your whole lifestyle is linked to the possibility of having this type of cancer. To reduce the chances of breast cancer women should maintain proper healthy weight. If a woman is overweight she must be given proper guidelines to keep and maintain good weight. Overweight women should seek the help of expert physicians for this issue.
Regular physical activities and maintaining healthy eating habit will be helpful. Fruits, vegetables, sufficient water and reducing calories, junk foods, and fried foods will help prevent breast cancer risk. Food keeps important role in dealing with cancer. When you are about to take your meal, you should try to be cautious and patient about it. Instead of taking two cookies take one! Consider eating lots of vegetables. Fiber foods are very beneficial because they have the potentials of fighting cancer in the body. Eat salads as it's good for all of us. For breast cancer protection, you can include all cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels, sprouts); dark leafy greens (kale, collards, spinach); tomatoes and carrots. One more important thing is taking sufficient amount of sleep. Scientists found that insufficient sleep or less sleep, more sleep can overweight people. But sufficient six-hour sleep is mandatory for all of us.
Drink water and avoid hard drinks, wine, and even soft drinks, instead of these drinks take fruit juices. Avoid taking too much sugar. Drinking alcohol is the most well established risk factor for breast cancer, and it is proved. The Harvard Nurses' Health study, with many others, has recently shown that taking more than one alcoholic drink a day can raise breast cancer risk by 20-25 percent. Alcohol does not have impact only on breast cancer but it is responsible for immature death and early aging. You should give your stomach a little rest. You should fast two to three hours after taking a big meal; this will boost your immune system and help working your stomach well. Don't just grab and eat. We need to avoid this tendency. Be patient while eating, and always be careful. Do not eat while you are walking. Eat patiently and focus on your eating.
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Understanding the Mechanisms of Breast Cancer
What Is Breast Cancer? Breast cancer is a malignancy of the breast tissues that is usually identified as a small extra mass or lump in the breast in the beginning. If left undetected for some time, it can spread to other parts of the body including the surrounding lymph nodes. Most of the cancer of breasts occur in women, but men can get it too in some cases. What Causes Breast Cancer and How Does it Spread? A lot of research has been done to understand the mechanisms and pathogenesis of breast cancer. It is, however, difficult to predict who will develop it as scientists do not still know the exact causes of breast cancer fully.
There are, however, several risk factors that may put a person at higher risk than others. These include a personal history of breast cancer, family history, age, gender, previous radiation therapy, hormone therapies, and excessive alcohol drinking. A recent study published in 'Cancer Cell International' Journal found that pepsinogen C (PGC) that belongs to aspartic protease family and is secreted by gastric chief cells is linked to cancer development. Another report published in BMC suggests that penetration of the mammary gland basement membrane by cancer cells is an important step in the progression of the tumor from the mammary glands to other surrounding tissues.
These findings also indicate that peptidylarginine deiminase 2 (PAD2) plays a crucial role in cancer cell transfer and movement. A research on a mouse model of ductal carcinoma in situ shows that inhibition of peptidylarginine deiminase 2 activity can maintain basement membrane integrity in xenograft tumors. PAD2 depletion or inhibition can suppress cell migration and alter the morphology of cells and can serve as a potential treatment option in future. How to Prevent Breast Cancer? We can little do to prevent cancer since we do not know the exact cause. However, in view of the recent findings and the knowledge of probable causes of the cancer, researchers have come up with a list of things that can benefit toward a cancer-free life. Pomegranate is a nutrient-rich unique fruit that has been used for centuries for the prevention and treatment of various inflammation-driven diseases. This has been proved through certain studies published in reputed journals of nutrition. A few studies suggest an inverse relationship between vitamin D levels and breast density.
As breast density is considered a risk factor for breast cancer, monitoring your vitamin D levels can offer a starting point as a prevention strategy. Some studies reinforce the assumption that higher levels of 25(OH)D pre-menopause and vitamin D are associated with lower breast density. Screening is an established approach to keep a track of what is going on in your body. Doctors recommend a regular screening after every three years after the age of 40. If you are a higher-risk individual, it may be recommended to start the screening even earlier and more often. Keeping your weight under control, nutritious diet intake, and limiting alcohol consumption are other elements of your cancer prevention strategy.
There are, however, several risk factors that may put a person at higher risk than others. These include a personal history of breast cancer, family history, age, gender, previous radiation therapy, hormone therapies, and excessive alcohol drinking. A recent study published in 'Cancer Cell International' Journal found that pepsinogen C (PGC) that belongs to aspartic protease family and is secreted by gastric chief cells is linked to cancer development. Another report published in BMC suggests that penetration of the mammary gland basement membrane by cancer cells is an important step in the progression of the tumor from the mammary glands to other surrounding tissues.
These findings also indicate that peptidylarginine deiminase 2 (PAD2) plays a crucial role in cancer cell transfer and movement. A research on a mouse model of ductal carcinoma in situ shows that inhibition of peptidylarginine deiminase 2 activity can maintain basement membrane integrity in xenograft tumors. PAD2 depletion or inhibition can suppress cell migration and alter the morphology of cells and can serve as a potential treatment option in future. How to Prevent Breast Cancer? We can little do to prevent cancer since we do not know the exact cause. However, in view of the recent findings and the knowledge of probable causes of the cancer, researchers have come up with a list of things that can benefit toward a cancer-free life. Pomegranate is a nutrient-rich unique fruit that has been used for centuries for the prevention and treatment of various inflammation-driven diseases. This has been proved through certain studies published in reputed journals of nutrition. A few studies suggest an inverse relationship between vitamin D levels and breast density.
As breast density is considered a risk factor for breast cancer, monitoring your vitamin D levels can offer a starting point as a prevention strategy. Some studies reinforce the assumption that higher levels of 25(OH)D pre-menopause and vitamin D are associated with lower breast density. Screening is an established approach to keep a track of what is going on in your body. Doctors recommend a regular screening after every three years after the age of 40. If you are a higher-risk individual, it may be recommended to start the screening even earlier and more often. Keeping your weight under control, nutritious diet intake, and limiting alcohol consumption are other elements of your cancer prevention strategy.
The Future Of Genetic Cancer Screening
Cancer is the second-driving cause for death in the United States. In 2015, cancer ended the lives of 595,930 individuals, equaling 22% of all passing's in the United States, as indicated by the CDC. This number keeps on rising, and it was assessed that before 2017 is over, cancer will have taken more than 600,000 lives last year. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, in 2014 $87.8 billion was spent in the U.S. related to health care provided services stemming from cancer. Genetic screenings are accessible to help patients fight the war against the disease. Early detection of cancer helps to assign the proper treatment and heighten survival rates. Early disease testing is accessible for various kinds of malignancies. Genetic testing for predisposition and early detection have positively adjusted the survival rates from various types of cancer growths by up to 35%, as per the National Institutes of Health. Genetic cancer screenings offer multiple positive outcomes, as in, increased survival rates as well as possibly lowering health care costs for both patients and providers. What Is Genetic Screening? Genetic testing is a type of medical screening that identifies changes in genes, chromosomes, or proteins.
The finding that are discovered during a genetic test can affirm or rule out a suspected genetic condition or help ascertain a person's chance of developing or passing on a genetic disorder. There are more than 1,000 genetic tests currently in use. Enhancing Outcomes The essential objective is distinguishing proof of the highest risk cancer populations and early growth cancer screening of patients to decrease mortality. Proper early screening may modify mortality rates as well as offer a possibility for a prolonged and offer better quality of life for the patient. For instance, breast cancer is one of the main sources of death among women with a malignancy. Insights delivered by the National Cancer Institute have demonstrated that women who experienced a standard mammogram lessened the danger of death by 15% to 20%. Generally, screening consistence is low, implying that the quantity of people who ought to be tested for specific growths isn't ideal. For instance, in 2014 the CDC showed that only 65.7% of patients older than 50 had colon malignancy screenings, while 27.3% had been screened at all. Investigators at the University of Michigan found that at risk individuals that had a colon cancer screening could prevent 90% of a cancer diagnosis.
According to the CDC, 9 of 10 patients who discovered colon growth through normal screening were still alive 5 years after the initial diagnosis. Additionally, people with a malignancy that took part in counteractive action program, like, way of life adjustments and that stopped smoking, could receive reduced out of pocket costs and lower healthcare benefit premiums. In some instances, early detection and treatment before metastasis can positively alter treatment and results as well. New Genetic Screen Tests Are Coming Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, led another strategy for malignancy identification known as target error correction sequencing. It is utilized to recognize even the most reduced levels of circling tumor DNA, which is ordinarily discovered in those with early stage growths. In the examination, 200 samples were taken from people with colorectal, breast, ovarian, and lung cancer, which distinguished 62% of stage I and II tumors. What's also worth mentioning is that, no false positives were found in 44 healthy people who were tested. Different biomarkers have been recognized for a large group of growths, including breast, colorectal, lung, ovarian, and prostate.
In 2016, 15,000 patients with 50 unique kinds of tumors experienced liquid biopsy screening, yielding perceptible changes in 6 distinct sorts of biomarkers, for example, the epidermal development factor receptor communicated in late-arrange lung growths, and proto-oncogene B-Raf, which has been connected to an expanded occurrence of melanoma, with 94% to 100% specificity of comparative tissue biopsies. This could take into account potential focused on treatments intended for gene specific malignancies to be customized and treatment options for those not already qualified. Liquid biopsies could help decrease the danger of disease re-manifesting by finding circulating DNA after colon growth surgery.
In 2016, researchers found that by reviewing the metrics from tumor DNA from the blood of patients with stage II colon cancer they could predetermine which patients would be at a higher danger of a recurrence from any lingering residual circulating DNA from the tumor. The individuals who had circulating tumor DNA after surgery will probably endure a repeat diagnosis, individuals who then had genetic liquid biopsies after the cancer extraction would be better equipped to evaluate enhanced post operation treatments. A liquid biopsy then may be an affordable non invasive way to help recognize the individuals who could benefit from postoperative chemotherapy.
The finding that are discovered during a genetic test can affirm or rule out a suspected genetic condition or help ascertain a person's chance of developing or passing on a genetic disorder. There are more than 1,000 genetic tests currently in use. Enhancing Outcomes The essential objective is distinguishing proof of the highest risk cancer populations and early growth cancer screening of patients to decrease mortality. Proper early screening may modify mortality rates as well as offer a possibility for a prolonged and offer better quality of life for the patient. For instance, breast cancer is one of the main sources of death among women with a malignancy. Insights delivered by the National Cancer Institute have demonstrated that women who experienced a standard mammogram lessened the danger of death by 15% to 20%. Generally, screening consistence is low, implying that the quantity of people who ought to be tested for specific growths isn't ideal. For instance, in 2014 the CDC showed that only 65.7% of patients older than 50 had colon malignancy screenings, while 27.3% had been screened at all. Investigators at the University of Michigan found that at risk individuals that had a colon cancer screening could prevent 90% of a cancer diagnosis.
According to the CDC, 9 of 10 patients who discovered colon growth through normal screening were still alive 5 years after the initial diagnosis. Additionally, people with a malignancy that took part in counteractive action program, like, way of life adjustments and that stopped smoking, could receive reduced out of pocket costs and lower healthcare benefit premiums. In some instances, early detection and treatment before metastasis can positively alter treatment and results as well. New Genetic Screen Tests Are Coming Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, led another strategy for malignancy identification known as target error correction sequencing. It is utilized to recognize even the most reduced levels of circling tumor DNA, which is ordinarily discovered in those with early stage growths. In the examination, 200 samples were taken from people with colorectal, breast, ovarian, and lung cancer, which distinguished 62% of stage I and II tumors. What's also worth mentioning is that, no false positives were found in 44 healthy people who were tested. Different biomarkers have been recognized for a large group of growths, including breast, colorectal, lung, ovarian, and prostate.
In 2016, 15,000 patients with 50 unique kinds of tumors experienced liquid biopsy screening, yielding perceptible changes in 6 distinct sorts of biomarkers, for example, the epidermal development factor receptor communicated in late-arrange lung growths, and proto-oncogene B-Raf, which has been connected to an expanded occurrence of melanoma, with 94% to 100% specificity of comparative tissue biopsies. This could take into account potential focused on treatments intended for gene specific malignancies to be customized and treatment options for those not already qualified. Liquid biopsies could help decrease the danger of disease re-manifesting by finding circulating DNA after colon growth surgery.
In 2016, researchers found that by reviewing the metrics from tumor DNA from the blood of patients with stage II colon cancer they could predetermine which patients would be at a higher danger of a recurrence from any lingering residual circulating DNA from the tumor. The individuals who had circulating tumor DNA after surgery will probably endure a repeat diagnosis, individuals who then had genetic liquid biopsies after the cancer extraction would be better equipped to evaluate enhanced post operation treatments. A liquid biopsy then may be an affordable non invasive way to help recognize the individuals who could benefit from postoperative chemotherapy.
Know The Main Causes Of Breast Cancer
In today's time, we all are aware of the term breast cancer, which happens because of the uncontrollable growth of the cells in the breast. Women are more at the risk of it than the men. It is one of the most common cancer diagnosed in women and is mainly occurs in either the ducts or lobules of the breast. It is important for every woman to take some preventive measures to avoid such awful condition and for this, having a proper knowledge related to its root cause is a must. If you don't have it, scroll down to grab now. Causes: Although the main cause of breast cancer in women is not known yet. Still, there are some factors that increase your risk of getting affected by the disease such as: Aging: Hard to believe, but it is the truth that aging is one of the common factors.
When you start to age, your risk of getting affected by the disease also gets increased. Alcohol Consumption: Excessive drinking of alcohol also doubles your risk so, you should limit its quantity to avoid it. Dense Breast Tissue: Another reason that causes the condition is having the dense breast tissue. It may boost the growth of cells that further create the disease. Early Menstruation: Women who have their periods before the age of 12 are more at the risk of getting afflicted by the disorder than others. Late Child Birth Or Never Being Pregnant: Women who due to any reason have their very first child at an older age are more at the risk of getting the breast cancer.
Also, women who are not able to conceive easily get affected by it. Previous Or Family History: If you have breast cancer in one breast, so, you are more likely to have it on the other side too. Also, if anyone in your family had it before, so, this may also double your possibilities of breast cancer. These are a few reasons that increase your risk of getting the breast cancer. And if you are the one who has the condition, so, instead of suffering in silence, go and get the proper treatment that doubles your chances of getting recovered. There are different types of treatment available to heal the problem such as surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormonal or endocrine therapy, etc. Always go to the right breast cancer treatment as per your current condition.
When you start to age, your risk of getting affected by the disease also gets increased. Alcohol Consumption: Excessive drinking of alcohol also doubles your risk so, you should limit its quantity to avoid it. Dense Breast Tissue: Another reason that causes the condition is having the dense breast tissue. It may boost the growth of cells that further create the disease. Early Menstruation: Women who have their periods before the age of 12 are more at the risk of getting afflicted by the disorder than others. Late Child Birth Or Never Being Pregnant: Women who due to any reason have their very first child at an older age are more at the risk of getting the breast cancer.
Also, women who are not able to conceive easily get affected by it. Previous Or Family History: If you have breast cancer in one breast, so, you are more likely to have it on the other side too. Also, if anyone in your family had it before, so, this may also double your possibilities of breast cancer. These are a few reasons that increase your risk of getting the breast cancer. And if you are the one who has the condition, so, instead of suffering in silence, go and get the proper treatment that doubles your chances of getting recovered. There are different types of treatment available to heal the problem such as surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormonal or endocrine therapy, etc. Always go to the right breast cancer treatment as per your current condition.
Latest Advancement in Breast Cancer Treatment
The latest advanced therapies can be an alternative to traditional therapies for breast cancer patients. These therapies are Cryosurgical Ablation (CSA), Seed Knife Therapy (Brachytherapy), Percutaneous Ablation, Combined Immunotherapy and Targeted Chemotherapy. 1. Cryosurgical Ablation (CSA): Cryosurgery is an important ablation technique for tumors. It destroys tumors by cycles of freezing and thawing. Cryosurgery's destructive effects on tumors are due to two major mechanisms, one immediate, the other delayed. The immediate mechanism is the damaging effect of freezing and thawing the cells. The delayed mechanism is the progressive failure of microcirculation; ultimately, vascular stasis becomes operative as an important cause of tumor tissue destruction. Once the temperature falls below -40oC, ice crystals may form within the cells. Once it occurs, cell death is almost certain. During cryosurgery, progressive failure of microcirculation occurs due to a cascade of events: endothelial layer destruction causing vessel walls to become porous, interstitial edema, platelet aggregation, microthrombii, and ultimately vascular congestion and obliteration. It was theorized that during cryosurgery, the immune system of the host became sensitized to the tumor being destroyed by the cryosurgery. Any primary tumor tissue undamaged by the cryosurgery and the metastases were destroyed by the immune system after cryosurgery.
This response was termed the "cryo-immunological response". 2. Seed Knife Therapy (Brachytherapy) Seed Knife Therapy (Brachytherapy) is used for breast cancer treatment, Seed implantation with iodine-125 or palladium-103 seeds (brachytherapy) is a highly effective treatment for patients with cancer. Brachytherapy requires no surgical incision, offers patients a shorter recovery time, and has less chance of troubling side effects. For example, for prostate cancer, brachytherapy is an outpatient procedure and most patients go home the same day as their treatment. They can also return to their normal activities a few days after treatment. Seed implantation takes only 45 minutes to 1 hour. Seed implantation with iodine-125 seed gives a lower dose rate of radiation than palladium-103. Because iodine-125 works in your body longer than palladium-103, it is ideal for treating slow growing tumors such as most prostate cancers. The 125 iodine seeds-which have a half -life of 59 days-release a short-course of gamma ray. The seeds implanted into cancerous masses and nearby tissue radiate targeted cells and ultimately destroy cancer. This prevents unnecessarily exposing the whole body to radiation. 3. Percutaneous Ablation Thermal injury to cells begins at 42? Only 8 minutes at 46? Is needed to kill malignant cells, and 51? Can be lethal after only 2 minutes. At temperatures above 60? Intracellular proteins are denatured (killed) rapidly, cell membranes are destroyed through dissolution and the melting of lipid bilayers, and lastly, cell death is inevitable. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a new technique for treating tumors localized to certain organs. A needle electrode is advanced into the targeted tumors via either a percutaneous, laparoscopic, or open (operation) route.
The RF energy causes the tissue around the tip of the probe to heat up to a high temperature above which cells break apart and die. For eradication of all cancerous cells, the goal is to place the probes so that they destroy the entire tumor plus an adequate "rim" of non-cancerous tissue around it. 4. Combined Immunotherapy Immunotherapy, also known as CIC-combined immunotherapy for cancer-has increasingly become the focus for cancer researchers. The past 10 years have seen an increased understanding of immuno-surveillance and appreciation of the mechanisms by which tumors escape its notice. This has led to the development of promising new strategies against cancer, such as immunotherapy, which is focused on increasing of the body's natural immune functions against cancer cells. 5. Targeted Chemotherapy Targeted Chemotherapy is can be an alternative as it leaves minimal side effect as compared to traditional chemotherapy. Targeted therapies are drugs or other substances designed to block the growth and spread of cancer by preventing cancer cells from dividing or by destroying them directly.
While standard chemotherapy affects all cells in the body, targeted therapy directs drugs or other specially created substances (e.g., immune system proteins developed in the lab) to attack cancer cells. The goal of targeted therapy is to interfere with genes or proteins involved in tumor growth to block the spread of the disease. By targeting specific molecules that are responsible for the growth, progression and spread of cancer, targeted therapy differs from standard chemotherapy, which attacks the disease systemically and, therefore, also damages healthy cells. Because targeted therapy specifically seeks out cancer cells, it is designed to reduce the harm to healthy cells, which may lead to fewer side effects than standard chemotherapy. Targeted therapies serve as the foundation of precision medicine, which uses information about a tumor's DNA profile to identify additional treatment options. Tailored treatments target abnormalities that may be found in each tumor's DNA profile. This innovation marks a shift from traditional treatments designed for the average patient, toward more precise therapies.
This response was termed the "cryo-immunological response". 2. Seed Knife Therapy (Brachytherapy) Seed Knife Therapy (Brachytherapy) is used for breast cancer treatment, Seed implantation with iodine-125 or palladium-103 seeds (brachytherapy) is a highly effective treatment for patients with cancer. Brachytherapy requires no surgical incision, offers patients a shorter recovery time, and has less chance of troubling side effects. For example, for prostate cancer, brachytherapy is an outpatient procedure and most patients go home the same day as their treatment. They can also return to their normal activities a few days after treatment. Seed implantation takes only 45 minutes to 1 hour. Seed implantation with iodine-125 seed gives a lower dose rate of radiation than palladium-103. Because iodine-125 works in your body longer than palladium-103, it is ideal for treating slow growing tumors such as most prostate cancers. The 125 iodine seeds-which have a half -life of 59 days-release a short-course of gamma ray. The seeds implanted into cancerous masses and nearby tissue radiate targeted cells and ultimately destroy cancer. This prevents unnecessarily exposing the whole body to radiation. 3. Percutaneous Ablation Thermal injury to cells begins at 42? Only 8 minutes at 46? Is needed to kill malignant cells, and 51? Can be lethal after only 2 minutes. At temperatures above 60? Intracellular proteins are denatured (killed) rapidly, cell membranes are destroyed through dissolution and the melting of lipid bilayers, and lastly, cell death is inevitable. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a new technique for treating tumors localized to certain organs. A needle electrode is advanced into the targeted tumors via either a percutaneous, laparoscopic, or open (operation) route.
The RF energy causes the tissue around the tip of the probe to heat up to a high temperature above which cells break apart and die. For eradication of all cancerous cells, the goal is to place the probes so that they destroy the entire tumor plus an adequate "rim" of non-cancerous tissue around it. 4. Combined Immunotherapy Immunotherapy, also known as CIC-combined immunotherapy for cancer-has increasingly become the focus for cancer researchers. The past 10 years have seen an increased understanding of immuno-surveillance and appreciation of the mechanisms by which tumors escape its notice. This has led to the development of promising new strategies against cancer, such as immunotherapy, which is focused on increasing of the body's natural immune functions against cancer cells. 5. Targeted Chemotherapy Targeted Chemotherapy is can be an alternative as it leaves minimal side effect as compared to traditional chemotherapy. Targeted therapies are drugs or other substances designed to block the growth and spread of cancer by preventing cancer cells from dividing or by destroying them directly.
While standard chemotherapy affects all cells in the body, targeted therapy directs drugs or other specially created substances (e.g., immune system proteins developed in the lab) to attack cancer cells. The goal of targeted therapy is to interfere with genes or proteins involved in tumor growth to block the spread of the disease. By targeting specific molecules that are responsible for the growth, progression and spread of cancer, targeted therapy differs from standard chemotherapy, which attacks the disease systemically and, therefore, also damages healthy cells. Because targeted therapy specifically seeks out cancer cells, it is designed to reduce the harm to healthy cells, which may lead to fewer side effects than standard chemotherapy. Targeted therapies serve as the foundation of precision medicine, which uses information about a tumor's DNA profile to identify additional treatment options. Tailored treatments target abnormalities that may be found in each tumor's DNA profile. This innovation marks a shift from traditional treatments designed for the average patient, toward more precise therapies.
Tips To Use A Chalk Marker
Have you heard about chalk markers? You may have because they have been increasing in popularity in the here and now. As a matter of fact, they are so popular and useful that they are being used at home, events, restaurants, schools and parties, just to name a few places. There is no doubt that chalk markers are poplar but there are still a lot of people who have no idea how to use them properly. If you want to know how to use them, we suggest that you follow the tips given below. How To Activate Before you go ahead and use the marker, the first thing that you need to do is shake the marker, pump and then start drawing. It's as easy as you have read. Follow the steps given below to get it done.
1. Your first step is to hold the chalk marker diagonally. You don't need to remove the cap. Instead, you should leave the cap on and then start shaking the marker.
2. Next, you should choose a flat surface, press the chalk tip on it lightly and then release it. Don't press it more than a second. You may want to keep repeating this step until the tip of the chalk is filled up with the ink. Typically, it may take between 20 and 40 pumps. Just be careful not to damage the tip of the marker.
3. Once you can see the ink in the tip, you should choose a surface and then start drawing. Tips To Draw The Right Way · When pumping, you may want be careful not to put too much pressure on the marker tip. If too much pressure is applied, the tip may get deformed. As a result, you may have to buy another chalk marker.
· After use, you may want to store the pen in upright position with the cap on. · Don't forget to check the cap to make sure it is tight. · Before drawing, make sure that the writing surface is clean. · When erasing, we suggest that you make use of a damp and clean piece of clothing. · Remember: the ink will take a while to dry. · You need to keep in mind that chalk markers work on surfaces that are non-porous like slate chalkboards, porcelain chalkboards, metal and glass, just to name a few. · Also, you should know that some chalkboards don't work with chalk markers, such as MDF boards that are chalk-painted.
· Before you use the markers on a whole surface, you may want to carry out a spot test, which will help you find out if the surface is suitable for the chalk marker. How Do You Remove Chalk Marker? If you need to remove the chalk marker, follow the tips given below. You can try out a Magic Eraser for cleaning the target surface. As a matter of fact, these removers work great but you should test it first. Baby wipe is another good alternative. Another good solution is an ammonia-based solution. They also work great. So, you may want to use these tips if you want to use a chalk marker.
1. Your first step is to hold the chalk marker diagonally. You don't need to remove the cap. Instead, you should leave the cap on and then start shaking the marker.
2. Next, you should choose a flat surface, press the chalk tip on it lightly and then release it. Don't press it more than a second. You may want to keep repeating this step until the tip of the chalk is filled up with the ink. Typically, it may take between 20 and 40 pumps. Just be careful not to damage the tip of the marker.
3. Once you can see the ink in the tip, you should choose a surface and then start drawing. Tips To Draw The Right Way · When pumping, you may want be careful not to put too much pressure on the marker tip. If too much pressure is applied, the tip may get deformed. As a result, you may have to buy another chalk marker.
· After use, you may want to store the pen in upright position with the cap on. · Don't forget to check the cap to make sure it is tight. · Before drawing, make sure that the writing surface is clean. · When erasing, we suggest that you make use of a damp and clean piece of clothing. · Remember: the ink will take a while to dry. · You need to keep in mind that chalk markers work on surfaces that are non-porous like slate chalkboards, porcelain chalkboards, metal and glass, just to name a few. · Also, you should know that some chalkboards don't work with chalk markers, such as MDF boards that are chalk-painted.
· Before you use the markers on a whole surface, you may want to carry out a spot test, which will help you find out if the surface is suitable for the chalk marker. How Do You Remove Chalk Marker? If you need to remove the chalk marker, follow the tips given below. You can try out a Magic Eraser for cleaning the target surface. As a matter of fact, these removers work great but you should test it first. Baby wipe is another good alternative. Another good solution is an ammonia-based solution. They also work great. So, you may want to use these tips if you want to use a chalk marker.
Use of Colorants in the Plastic Industry
Pigment orange, pigment blue, pigment green; you name it and you have an attractive piece of plastic ware with that colour tint in some store or the other. However, in today's times the scope of pigments and dyes in plastics are not limited merely to lending hues and shades. They also make an impact on sustainability, processability and compliance. The question often arises as to which among the two; dyes or pigments are best suited for use in the plastics industry. Dyes are used to shade or tint a resin and as such they have to be transparent, strong and exhibit good heat stability. However, dyes are compatible with only a few resins and therefore their use in quite limited in this industry. Pigments on the other hand provide more options to the manufacturer due to their wider chrome range, pacifying ability and better heat stability for a large number of resins.
The base polymer actually decides the kind of colorant that will be most suitable for the application. Pigments work best with polyolefins while dyes give good results with polystyrene, poly carbonate and acrylic. All said and done, the basic determining factor for choice of colorant is its compatibility with the base resin. There are a few other factors that have to be kept in mind as well such as the method of dispersion, processing temperature, heat stability, gloss, weather fastness, application etc. A slight error in making the choice can drastically change the features of the plastic and therefore, a good selection of the colorant assumes great importance. Today, there is more emphasis placed on using pigments that are less toxic and cause minimum harm to the environment.
Millions of dollars are spent on research by several organisations in developing such pigments. Their efforts have not gone in vain and one of them has been successful in replacing lead based materials in pigments. Lead chromate pigments were banned from use in consumer plastics and in its place, organic yellow pigments have been developed which have better tint strengths in PVC and polyethylene. Another new development is with respect to pigment blue. The name of the new pigment is YInMn blue which stands for its chemical content namely yttrium, manganese, indium and oxygen.
This pigment is also superior to the traditional cobalt blue pigments and has high reflectivity and high ultraviolet absorbance in the near-infrared area. Colorants contribute to a number of performance aspects in plastics; however, lending colour will always remain their major contribution. When one sees the attractive world of colourful plastic ware one realises the important contribution made by colorants to this industry. At the same time, every individual connected with using and developing colorants for this industry has to try and make a difference to the colouring technology whereby Mother Earth is not harmed in any way whatsoever!
The base polymer actually decides the kind of colorant that will be most suitable for the application. Pigments work best with polyolefins while dyes give good results with polystyrene, poly carbonate and acrylic. All said and done, the basic determining factor for choice of colorant is its compatibility with the base resin. There are a few other factors that have to be kept in mind as well such as the method of dispersion, processing temperature, heat stability, gloss, weather fastness, application etc. A slight error in making the choice can drastically change the features of the plastic and therefore, a good selection of the colorant assumes great importance. Today, there is more emphasis placed on using pigments that are less toxic and cause minimum harm to the environment.
Millions of dollars are spent on research by several organisations in developing such pigments. Their efforts have not gone in vain and one of them has been successful in replacing lead based materials in pigments. Lead chromate pigments were banned from use in consumer plastics and in its place, organic yellow pigments have been developed which have better tint strengths in PVC and polyethylene. Another new development is with respect to pigment blue. The name of the new pigment is YInMn blue which stands for its chemical content namely yttrium, manganese, indium and oxygen.
This pigment is also superior to the traditional cobalt blue pigments and has high reflectivity and high ultraviolet absorbance in the near-infrared area. Colorants contribute to a number of performance aspects in plastics; however, lending colour will always remain their major contribution. When one sees the attractive world of colourful plastic ware one realises the important contribution made by colorants to this industry. At the same time, every individual connected with using and developing colorants for this industry has to try and make a difference to the colouring technology whereby Mother Earth is not harmed in any way whatsoever!
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Food and Breast Cancer
Food or diet cannot cure breast cancer. But there are some foods which can make your body healthier and boost your immune system to fight th...